
We need you…

Per the NCMC By-Laws, the following NCMC Board positions are to be filled in odd-numbered years (such as 2011): President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Awards Chair, Directory Chair, Membership Development Chair, Nominating Chair, Public Relations Chair, and Student Affairs Chair. The Section Chairs shall be elected by the voting members present at their respective section’s Annual Meeting in odd-numbered years. The Archives Chair, Professional Development Chair, and Newsletter Chair are elected in even-numbered years. Both the Section Chairs and the Committee Chairs shall be elected for a two-year term and are eligible to serve for two consecutive terms.

If you, or any NCMC member you know, is interested in working on the NCMC Board, we strongly encourage you to let us know. You need not have a specific Board position in mind, just a willingness to serve on the Board and act in the best interests of NCMC and North Carolina’s museum community. Participation on the Board is a great learning and networking experience!

All business mailings should be sent to:

North Carolina Museums Council
PO Box 2603
Raleigh, NC 27602-2603


Alicyn Wiedrich, Board Vice President. Gaston County Museum of Art & History, Pineville Alicyn Wiedrich
Gaston County Museum of Art & History, Dallas

Alex Olivares, Art Section Chair. Mint Museum, Charlotte
Alex Olivares
Mint Museum, Charlotte

Trista Reis Porter

Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville

Lauren PachecoTreasurer
Greensboro Science Center, Greensboro

Christian Edwards, Board President. North Carolina Collection Gallery, UNC-Chapel Hill Christian Edwards
Immediate Past President
North Carolina Collection Gallery, UNC-Chapel Hill

Standing Committee Chairs

  Blake Tyner

  Annual Meeting Chair

  Museum of the Southeast American Indian, Pembroke

 Kayla Leonard

 Archives Chair

 State Archives of North Carolina, New Bern

Leslie Leonard

Awards Chair

Research Historian, NC Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources, Raleigh

REbekah Dunn, Communications Chair. Haithcock, Barfield, Hulse & Kinsey, Goldsboro

Rebekah  Dunn

Communications  Chair

Haithcock, Barfield, Hulse & Kinsey, Goldsboro

Ashley Sedlak-Propst, Development Chair. Historic Cabarrus Association, ConcordAshley Sedlak-Propst
Development Chair
Private Consultant, North Carolina

 Tanesha Anthony

 Directory Chair

 Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum, Sedalia

 Camille Hunt
 Membership Chair

 North Carolina Museum of History, Raleigh

Jeff Futch, Nominating Chair. Western Regional Archives, Asheville

Jeff Futch
Nominating Chair

Western Office, NC Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources, Asheville

Felicia Knise Ingram, Professional Development Chair (NC Museum of Art, Raleigh)Felicia Knise Ingram
Professional Development Chair

NC Museum of Art, Raleigh

Jessie Swigger, Student Affairs Chair. Western Carolina University, Cullowhee Jessie Swigger
Student Affairs Chair

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee

Regional Section Chairs

 Lauren May

 Mountains Section Chair

 Vance Birthplace State Historic Site, Weaverville

 Kayla Kramb-Guy
 Northeastern Section Chair

 Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville

Scott Warren
Piedmont Section Chair
The President James K. Polk State Historic Site, Pineville

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Jim Hoffman
Southeastern Section Chair

Museum of Coastal Carolina, Ocean Isle Beach

Ex-Officio Members - Committee/Section Vice-Chairs & Ad-Hoc

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Elizabeth Bates
Archives Vice-Chair
State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh

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Terri White
Awards Committee Vice-Chair
Charlotte Museum of History, Charlotte

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Communications Vice-Chair

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Loran Berg
Directory Vice-Chair
Mountain Heritage Center, WCU, Cullowhee

Kay Waller
Development Vice-Chair

NC State University, Raleigh

Linda Jacobson
Membership Vice-Chair

North Carolina Collection Gallery, UNC-Chapel Hill

 Wanda Lassiter
 Nominating Vice-Chair

 Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City

Sarah Maske, Assistant Professional Development Chair. Greensboro Historical MuseumSarah Maske
Professional Development Vice-Chair

Greensboro History Museum

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Andrea Burns
Student Affairs Vice Chair

Appalachian State University, Boone

Ex-Officio Members - Other

 Wanda Lassiter

 Liaison with American 250 NC Initiative

 Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City

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Liaison with North Carolina African American Heritage Commission

North Carolina African American Heritage Commission, Raleigh

Caitlin Patton Stanley. Liaison with NC Humanities NC Humanities, CharlotteCaitlin Patton Stanley
Liaison with NC Humanities
NC Humanities, Charlotte

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Liaison with NC Science Museums

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Liaison with Southeastern Museums Conference

 Amelia Zytka


 The President James K. Polk State Historic Site, Pineville

The North Carolina Museums Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
PO Box 2603, Raleigh, NC 27602-2603
Copyright 2018 - present.

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